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Today we left Paris and headed to the lovely, quaint town of Bourges on the nicest bus I have ever been on. Along the way, we stopped at an old castle that is being re-built by hand with NO power tools. It was pretty incredible to see the castle in the making, and basically stepping back in time to the pre-power era. We arrived in Bourges in the late afternoon and we are staying at the nicest Best Western Hotel I have ever seen!


We took a walking tour of the beautiful cobble stone walkways passing buildings that were built in 1494 which were still in great condition. We ended the walk at an old gothic church that had incredible details in every square inch. The next morning at breakfast, a couple who wasn't part of our tour asked where we were from and if we were part of the Rick Steves tour. Turns out the couple did the same tour years ago and loved Bourges so much they packed up and moved there from the West Coast of the United States! I must say, I was really jealous of them. 

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